A beautiful sunny Saturday, perfect weather for a car wash.
Yes, that’s great, everything was washed nicely with a soft sponge and the rims were scrubbed with special attention. Everything rinsed carefully with clear water.
The water runs off and there we see the cheering. All full of lime stains or lime streaks! Oh dear, all this work for nothing.
Now more work has to be done. You are looking for the right rags, because the whole thing now has to be polished.
With this sun you really start to sweat!
washBOX® is the simple solution to these problems. washBOX® is an electronic scale converter that offers many advantages:
• No salts or chemicals required
• environmentally friendly
• small and handy
• Robust and waterproof
• Efficient and reliable
• maintenance-free Click and Play… just plug it into the water and electricity, and off you go.
washBOX® – THE highly environmentally friendly alternative to watersofteners